I have spent three entries on why anthropologist should not put limits on the professional opportunities an anthropologist should accept. I want to offer some links to other viewpoints on the web. In 2002, NPR broadcast a debate between Anthropologists Catherine Lutz of Brown University and Anna Simons from the Naval Postgraduate school in Montery, CA.
Both the Savageminds website and David Price writing in CounterPunch discuss the Pat Roberts Intelligence Scholarship Program which funds students for language and cultural studies in exchange for working at CIA. Daivd Price also has an articles in identities: “Cold War Anthropology: Collaborators and Victims of the National Security State”
Identities,Volume 4 (3-4) (1998): pp. 389-430. Please check out the other resources page for a link to David Price’s homepage with more of his work.
The AAA established the Commission on the Engagement of Anthropology with the US Security & Intelligence Communities and you can find their early report here.
Oh, and I would like to offer a tip O’ the Kula Ring to the blog site Putting People First for mentioning the launch of the new site.
Blog Disclaimer. I will often go back to entries to make edits or clarify points. If I am changing my point of view, that will be a new entry.