Last week, Mike responded to one of my postings about the difference between the quality of education at Chico and Berkeley with a two word response: “sour grapes.” Presumably, this is because he does not agree with me that Chico has higher quality undergraduate programs than Chico State. Maybe, it is because he went to Berkeley, I don’t know. Anyway, I would hope to have a good discussion on-line or by email about why he disagreed with me.
Anyway, I tried to respond by email to Mike, but it turns out that he faked an email address when posting to I do not mind people using pseudonyms in order to post, and I do not mind vigorous disagreement, particularly when it is backed up with data, logic, and reasoning. But people who do so should have the courtesy to include real contact info. So, Mike, or Tim, or whatever your name is, how about it? Why exactly do you think it is “sour grapes” for someone from Chico State to criticize the quality of undergraduate education at UC Berkeley?

Tony Waters is czar and editor of He came to us from the Sociology department at California State University at Chico where he has been a professor since 1996. In 2016 though he suddenly found himself with a new gig at Payap University in northern Thailand where he is on the faculty of the Peace Studies Department. He has also been a guest professor in Germany, and Tanzania. In the past, his main interests have been international development and refugees in Thailand, Tanzania, and California. This reflects a former career in the Peace Corps (Thailand), and refugee camps (Thailand and Tanzania). His books include: Crime and Immigrant Youth (1999), Bureaucratizing the Good Samaritan (2001), The Persistence of Subsistence Agriculture: Life Beneath of the Marketplace (2007), When Killing is a Crime (2007), and Schooling, Bureaucracy, and Childhood: Bureaucratizing the Child (2012). His hobby is trying to learn strange languages–and the mistakes that that implies. Tony is a prolific academic, you can read more of his work at purchase one (or more!) of his books from