Call for papers: Society for Applied Anthropology Meetings, Seattle, WA, March 29-April 2, 2011
Roundtable discussion
Anthropology in a Box: Extending the Reach of Anthropology in Institutional Settings
Libraries, hospitals, schools, businesses, and the military; these are all institutions that can inspire and require novel anthropological approaches, both theoretical and methodological. These kinds of spaces leave ambiguous the lines between clients, colleagues, and research participants. Anthropologists working within and adjacent to institutions often find themselves with multiple roles, each enmeshed in different relations of power within the organization. Researchers may struggle to justify their project or approach to others, including their own colleagues or institutional review boards. Yet institutional spaces can also generate new perspectives and approaches in research ethics, collaborative research, funding sources, communication of findings, and methods of data collection. We are searching for participants for a roundtable to share their experiences working in a variety of these spaces, and bring their expertise to an ethical, practical, and theoretical exploration of the nature of anthropology, as we experience it through our field sites. Applied, academic, corporate, and independent scholar- anthropologists are all encouraged to apply.
We are asking potential participants to email a brief description of your work in relation to the abstract above to one of us by September 30, so we can put them together into a session in early October. You will not need to submit a formal abstract to SFAA, but will need to be registered.
Donna Lanclos (
Catherine Fuentes (
Nicole Peterson (