Call for Videos–Applied Video Festival at the Society for Applied
Anthropology, Seattle 2011
The Society for Applied Anthropology will hold a one-day Applied Video
Festival at the 71st Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington. The
festival is on April 1, 2011. One video producer will win a cash prize
of $250 and free registration ($120) to attend the conference.
This open call for video submissions welcomes all genres ranging from
the ethnographic to the expository and experimental. We welcome
submissions that address in form or content the mission of the SfAA.
The awardee will have produced a video that deftly balances applied
investigations with provocative videographical storytelling. To enter
the competition, please submit a short or long format video on DVD to
the address below. The winner must be present at the conference to
collect the award and be available for a question and answer session
after the screening of the film. There is no student award. Videos
will have been finished after 2009.
Along with your DVD submission please send an email with a 100 word
abstract to Adam Fish at and Darby C Stapp at with the subject heading: SfAA Video Festival.
The deadline to submit the video is February 1, 2011. Individuals who
have submitted a paper/poster abstract for the Program, may also
submit a video for the Applied Video Festival.
Conference Location:
Hyatt Regency
Society for Applied Anthropology
71st Annual Meeting
March 29-April 2, 2011
Conference information is found at
Please send DVDs here:
Darby C. Stapp, PhD
Seattle 2011 Program Chair
P.O. Box 1721
Richland, WA 99352